The Lake Highlands Area Orchestra Club (LHAOC) serves Richardson I.S.D. orchestra students in grades 6-12 attending Lake Highlands area schools. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Please Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to the Orchestra!
Other options:
Send cash or check with your child to orchestra class in an envelope labeled
Mail your child’s name (if applicable), school, and donation to:
Lake Highlands High School 9449 Church Rd. Dallas, TX 75238
Why does the Orchestra Club fundraise? RISD covers a portion of our operating budget. The following is what our booster club provides:
Private lesson scholarships
Uniform cleaning
Transportation to competitions
Chamber Music Festival fees
Equipment such as music, shoulder rests, books and music stands
Outside evaluation by professional clinician, pre-UIL
Texas Music Teachers Association annual fees for our directors
Orchestra workshop fees for our directors
Back-to-School Picnic dinner (LHHS)
Please Support Orchestra When You Shop!
Tom Thumb: Print this and enter your information. We are charity #2452. Drop off at the customer service desk of your local Tom Thumb.
Kroger: If you haven't already, please register online here, starting with signing in or creating an account. Look up Lake Highlands Area Orchestra Club or enter our NPO number (ii646) to link your card to Orchestra. It's quick and easy! Need help? Here's an instruction page.
NOTE: For both Kroger and Tom Thumb, you only have to register your rewards card once, then present your card to the cashier as usual (or enter your rewards number) whenever you shop. Please take a few quick minutes to register; they pay us well!